SOLD | Hare Brain


Original Framed Watercolor

2019 | Watercolor over graphite underdrawing on paper (18” x 24”)

Artist signed limited edition archival reproduction prints available here

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Original Framed Watercolor

2019 | Watercolor over graphite underdrawing on paper (18” x 24”)

Artist signed limited edition archival reproduction prints available here

Original Framed Watercolor

2019 | Watercolor over graphite underdrawing on paper (18” x 24”)

Artist signed limited edition archival reproduction prints available here


This image came to me upon waking (Thank you muses) so it was only while painting it did I start to understand it myself. The day prior I had been listening to a podcast about the 1918 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, Fritz Haber. He developed a process to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas – the method used in the large-scale production of fertilizers. This process, still used today, is responsible for the food production for half the world’s current population and has saved countless people from starvation. He is also considered the “father of chemical warfare” for his work developing and weaponizing chlorine and other poisonous gasses during WWI using the same technology. It made me think about the amazing things that the human brain is capable of and the rabbit holes it can open and enter, of how we exalt the human brain believing it to be what separates us from other animals and makes us uniquely human –both creative and destructive.

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